Friday, March 13, 2009

A Naked Truth

Amidst a small congregation of soul-filled bodies
I stood.
As the Vedic chants echoed in the ears of the swarm,
The silences broke.
A moment of truth!

The withered mother who would no more budge or breathe
Reminded the fearful phase wide open for these futures...
Silence engulfed her once for all...

We all know we are lined up
Without wanting to think about this destination
Which ultimately comes to us whether we go or not

Wonder what is in store...
No one knows nor there is someone who came back to reiterate
Death has a new face with a prologue of silence

As our unshaken belief says we would transfer
Unto that transition
Where a different world exists
And souls ooze into it....

The quietness that people wore
In respect to this departed soul,
The discourse that the pundit made
In ratifying the wandering minds
All amidst the scrolling, devout time...
Mind pondered

A few souls deciphered into broken bonds
Came out with loud cries of despondency
That, only tomorrows can heal

Relations and values leave nothing but the
Tears that rolled down the cheeks
the warmth and goodness that the departed soul left

I stood facing life
With no traces of my incarnation.
Time ticked....
I tried to see ahead...just beyond the horizon
Where the haze of reality smothered the self...

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